Miss Tri-Parish 2010 (South & North Louisiana)

Age Divisions
Hair & Make-up Artist and Tanning
Contact Me
Rules & Regulations
Rules & Regulations

1. Compete age you are day of pageant
2. Bad sportsmanship will NOT be tolerated. you will be ask to leave without a refund!
3. If you send in a deposit and Can't make it then it will be applied to another pageant! MUST be used within 1 year! NO refunds!!
4. Judges will be qualified and NOT from this area!
5. If you need a question answered please ask me, don't take second hand info! Most know I will tell you how many are in a group, but will not give out the name.
6. Earlybird is considered 1 discount! only 1 discount allowed per pageant.
7.  If no earlybirds are available, entry fee is $50
8. You can move up in a division!
9. Sibling Discounts $15 (does not come off earlybird)
10. If paying day of pageant you are subject to a $10 late fee!
11. If wanting to compete with a certain number in line-up you must pay in full to get that number
12. Photogenic Pictures: b/w or Color 8 X 10 or smaller. First picture is FREE if adding additional pictures $5 each
13.ALL age division is 100% Natural
14. NO CHECKS OR PAYPAL After February 10th 
15.Modeling is regular modeling NO PROAM
16. Enter one side stop at 3 x's then exit

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Vickey DiMattia Director
Telephone 985-969-6403
Miss Tri-Parish South Louisiana &
Miss Tri-Parish North Louisiana are prelims into Tiny Miss Louisiana on June 5, 2010 in Baton Rouge Louisiana